Let Us Make a Den: The Original Concept

One of the first things that came to my mind when we decided on the topic of sleep was dens. Sheets billowing down from the ceiling, fairy lights providing a light source and a way to hang sheets up, with pillows and blankets scattered everywhere… The perfect place for relaxation.

I am having discussions with Emelia (our Director), and we both came to the same conclusion that we want an intimate experience for our audience due to the immersive style of including verbatim from real people. For inspiration, I researched a performance called Partus by Third Angel (Third Angel, 2017), which was a good example of a friendly, intimate staging that made the audience comfortable. It was performed in a way to invite the audience to take part and feel connected to the verbatim stories about pregnancy. Their seating was arranged in the round, allowing the performers to sit and talk to the audience.


Partus set 1
(alexander_kelly, 2016)


Inspired by Third Angel’s production, I decided that our show: The Truth About Bedtime…, is going to have staging on a flat surface with chairs set out in a horseshoe shape (thrust staging) to allow the actors to perform in front and very close to the audience. Pillows, cushions, and blankets are going to be placed around the performance space, giving the opportunity for audience members to be comfortable and cosy. Chairs will be available just behind the pillows and blankets to allow accessibility and provide comfort for people who cannot sit on the floor or who would prefer to sit on chairs. With the staging going to be flattened to allow this type of seating, it allows our production to accept audiences who are disabled or struggle to go up steps. Chairs will be reserved where appropriate and can be removed to allow space for wheelchairs. From the beginning of the process, I want the staging to allow accessibility for all as the theme of the show is to educate audiences about sleep, something we all do. The show has the opportunity to bring ‘us [performers and audiences] together and teaches us about ourselves and the world around us. In short, it makes life better.’ (Arts Council England, 2018). The choice of including verbatim within the show, and the seating providing accessibility, presents our company as inclusive of a wide demographic. Our show, I believe, meets the criteria to introduce and continue to offer the Arts to greater numbers of people, which is something Arts Council England are keen to support.


(Mason, 2018)

The original idea for the set contained white sheets on three of the sides of the auditorium to hang from the grid. An example of how they would look in the space is seen above in the video and the design below. This would enable the company to experiment with shadow puppetry while giving the space a comfortable feeling. Although this idea mimics a den and would be very homely, the desired feeling of intimacy would be a struggle to replicate in the auditorium of the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre due to its open space. It would remind an audience of the auditorium’s size, eliminating the relaxed atmosphere we are trying to create. Also, the sheets from the ceiling would be very restrictive because it would reduce our availability with lights, thus limiting the visual aesthetic of the show.


Orignal set design
(Mason, 2018)


The company still wanted the possibility of having a sheet for comical effects, so I redesigned the set. The idea was to draw the eye to the sheet, to create the illusion of intimacy and closeness within the space while still keeping to the den theme.

Final design
(Mason, 2018)



The new idea is to have a sheet (only two metres tall) held up by poles inserted into water filled bases, with fairy lights connecting the sheet poles to two other poles closer to the audience. The poles will be extendable to allow enough space for the actors to go under the hanging fairy lights, and it will be easier for the company to travel with. The quick assembly of the set is important to me to allow the company to practice with the set in rehearsals, making sure that early on in the process that I can sort any issues if they arise. It also allows the set to be placed into a range of spaces, for example, community halls and studios. This gives our company the opportunity to tour our show to a range of venues and audiences who may not have the chance to see theatrical productions normally performed in theatres. This set includes the iconic items found in a bedroom (sheets, pillows, blankets, alarm clock, dreamcatchers and fairy lights) while also not distracting from the performance space. The items and staging promote a setting of a bedroom to the audience, which reminds them of a comfortable environment, intimate enough to explore the private and personal subject of sleep.



Works Cited:

alexander_kelly (2016) Setting up #Partus in the Crucible Studio. [image]. Available from https://www.instagram.com/p/BAacVBMmECo/ [accessed 21 March 2018].

Arts Council England (2018) About us. England: Arts Council England. Available from https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/about-us-0 [accessed 21 March 2018].

Mason, A. (2018) Sheets from the grid [ video].

Mason, A. (2018) Original Sketchup set design [image].

Mason, A (2018) Final Sketchup set design [image].

Third Angel (2017) Partus [live performance]. Performed by Third Angel. Lincoln: Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 18 October.



My Inspiration on the Lighting Design.

In terms of the lighting design for the show, I want to create a calm environment for audience members. For this reason, I am determined to stay away from strobe lighting so it does not hinder any possible audience members from seeing our show. There are a few scenes which I am thinking of making the lighting more bright and colourful, however nothing drastic. The main colour of light I am wanting to use is blue as it “is associated with feelings of calm which, when picked up by your ganglion cells and relayed to your brain, helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate, all of which help you receive a solid night’s sleep” (Sleep.org, undated). The colour blue will sometimes be mixed with general washes too to add variations in the lighting throughout the show.


Sherbet Lemon Theatre was lucky enough to see the Wardrobe Ensemble’s education, education, education (2018) (EEE). The show sparked many ideas for the company, including a lot of lighting ideas for myself as the technical designer. In EEE the company used colourful and ‘funky’ lights which I thought was visually pleasing. Therefore, for our ‘fun’ and ‘quirky’ scenes, for example, our exercise scene, intro dance sequence and bows, I am thinking of using the mirror ball effect adding to the ‘sweet’ element of our show. Here is an example of the mirror ball in use from our tech day:

mirror 2
Mirror ball effect

(Denby, 2018)

Additionally, UV was used effectively in the performance of EEE which can assist with the portrayal of certain images especially if UV paint is used. I know we want a nightmare image of the ‘Sandman’ in our Sandman scene, and that UV paint will be used to draw an image of the ‘Sandman’ onto a bed sheet. I therefore made the decision to use UV in order to represent the creature of the sandman visually, which is assisted by the UV cannon. Here is what the final form of the scene looked like on show day.

Sandman image assisted by the UV cannon

(Sired, 2018)

Another scene which sparked an idea for sound from EEE was their ‘sex scene’ between two characters which similarly happens in our piece where the character Amanda goes on a slight tangent to Emma on a sex dream she had. We knew we wanted this scene to be humorous, likewise as it was for EEE. In terms of lighting I want to try a ‘passionate’ red lighting state which stereotypically connotes ‘lust’ in order to add to the sweet/humorous element of our show:

Red light used in ‘sex dream scene’

(Sired, 2018)


To benefit our company, I have created a Spotify playlist for our show in order for audience members to listen to some upcoming songs featured in the show (and to listen to it after the show too). I worked alongside our marketing manager Emily in order to advertise the playlist. I think this is a great way to connect with our potential audiences, as they are able to get a glimpse of our show before they actually experience it. Here is the link to our playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/8h4xqpf8hiypvwvwlh4qx35lm/playlist/5IiXtYg2qnNfu2seFwxXyu?si=vq_lweBfSEyqoIgF1D2Jrw


Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at 12.02.12
‘The Truth About Bedtime…’ Spotify playlist

(Spotify Technology SA, 2018)


The Wardrobe Ensemble with their show EEE also created a Spotify playlist which inspired my decision to make one. For reference if you would like to listen to EEE’s playlist which was used in their show, here is the link to their Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/newtynewts/playlist/2cssTlt5Da5n1bNTeXVjpd?si=_-Z4RgQ5T2Kyb-lNqT45fg




Works Cited


Brennan, T., England, T., Greenslade, E., Jones, J., Lovell, K., Meadows, J., Middleton, H., Newton, J., Vardy, B. and Woolley, E. (2017) education, education, education [live performance]. Performed by The Wardrobe Ensemble. Lincoln: Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 16 March.


Denby, C. (2018) Mirror ball effect [image].
National Sleep Foundation (undated) What Colours Are Soothing For Sleep. Sleep.org. Available from https://sleep.org/articles/best-colors-for-sleep/ [accessed 15 February 2018].


Sired, K. (2018) A brand new theatre company! This show was incredible and I am so grateful for being asked to take photos during their dress run. Good luck for the future guys, I’m excited to see what’s in store! Sherbet Lemon Theatre. Katie Sired. Available from https://www.facebook.com/KSIREDPHOTOGRAPHY/ [accessed 21 May 2018].


Spotify Technology SA (2018) Spotify [software]. Spotify Technology SA. Available from https://www.spotify.com/uk/ [accessed 17 March 2018].


Searching For Participants!


We are gathering research to assist us in the making of our show The Truth About Bedtime… Our performance focuses on the humans’ necessity to sleep and the difficulties and pleasures surrounding ‘bedtime’. We’re looking for people of all ages, genders and ethnicities to take part in our first research project! The research gathered will be a crucial factor of our devising process and so your input will help us keep our performance as close to truth as possible. Participants will be invited to a preview of our show where they are able to watch our production and see their contribution.


If any of the following statements relate to you, then we want to learn more about you and would be greatly appreciative of your time;

  • I regularly have less than 6 hours sleep.
  • I have the ability to lucid dream.
  • I have experienced astral projection.
  • I am a sleep walker.
  • I am a parent who has experienced a change in my sleep routine.
  • I regularly have over 8 hours sleep.


We are also looking for people who are willing to discuss more sensitive topics with us. For example;

  • If you have been prescribed sleep medication.
  • You have a sleep disorder.


If this is you and you would like to take part in our research, please contact us at sherbetlemontheatre@outlook.com

Social Media Presence

We want to cover all bases with our social media presence, attracting and reaching as many potential audience members and verbatim participants as possible. In order to ensure our posts are consistent and insightful I have created a schedule that runs alongside our activity schedule tailored around the events we have planned. This does not include every post I will be publishing but does indicate the main events and deadlines that I will be tailoring my posts around. Our social media presence will mainly include updates on rehearsals and process. This schedule will simply guide my marketing strategy.

 Topic  Platform
 07/02 Verbatim Call Out  ALL
 08/02 Blog Link  ALL
 21/02 Fundraising Jar  ALL
 02/03  WITA event  Twitter
 04/03  Verbatim Call Out (link to blog)  ALL
 04/03  Fundraiser in LPAC 1-5  ALL
 05/03  Fundraiser Jar Animation  ALL
 08/03  Poster Photo Shoot  ALL
 08/03  International Women’s Day/WITA Event  ALL
 09/03  Fundraiser in GCW Library  ALL
14/03 Fundraiser in Students Union 11-3 ALL
14/03 Verbatim Call Out ALL
18/03 WITA Survey Twitter
23/03 Ticket Link (LPAC) ALL
30/03 Fundraiser Jar Winner ALL
17/04 Spotify Playlist ALL
07/05 Fundraising Bear Animation ALL
08/05 Fundraising in LPAC 9-12 ALL
11/05 Ticket Sales Update ALL
12/05 Siren Radio Interview Twitter
14/05 Promote Level 3 Productions Twitter
15/05 Tech Day Filter SnapChat
16/05 Fundraising Bear Ended ALL
16/05 Tech Day Animation Twitter
17/05 Full Jar (4 Days) ALL
17/05 INKA/Bleeding Edge ALL
18/05 3/4 Jar (3 Days) ALL
18/05 The Assassination of Michael Baxter/Think Box ALL
19/05 1/2 Jar (2 Days) ALL
21/05 Fundraising Bear Winner ALL
21/05 Empty Jar (Showday!) ALL


Sweet and sour!

We have been experimenting with our sweet and sour element of the show, looking into sleep myths specifically the mysterious ‘Sandman’ which is a “man who, in fairy tales or folklore, puts sand in the eyes of children to make them sleepy” (Dictionary.com, 2018). Above is some snapshots of a few company members creating a movement sequence revolving around the light and dark aspects of the myth. We are also exploring other myths and experimenting with their light and dark elements, which we think is a great representation of who we are as a company.

Practising the sheet for the sandman scene
Sandman scene blanket


(Denby, 2018)




Works Cited


Denby, C. (2018) Sandman [image].


Dictonary.com (2018) Sandman. Available from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/sandman [accessed 21 February 2018].