Our Debut Performance of The Truth About Bedtime… was an official SELL OUT! We sold 89 tickets but managed to extend our seating arrangement to accommodate our waiting list attendees as well. This was a massive achievement for us and meant that the atmosphere within the space was incredible. The audience reactions enhanced the lively and upbeat theme we have running throughout the performance and the comedy within our piece was extremely well -received. The feedback I have heard has been incredible and I am sincerely proud of what we have achieved as a company in such a short window of time.
Looking back, I would like to have had the poster designs finalised and sent to print slightly earlier as it would’ve allowed more time for flyering and putting up of posters. The creation of the posters was a learning experience that challenged me to design and produce materials that would hold up to a professional standard. If I were to continue marketing for the performance I would have a few amendments that I believe would improve the quality of the prints aesthetics. I would also want to further our exposure within community groups. Our callout was targeted to specific audiences across Lincoln to attract people from all different circles. For example, we wanted to capture the attention of new parents and so we directed our call out towards new parent groups such as LilPacs. This targeted marketing and outreach was extremely effective and I feel further exploration of this would be hugely beneficial to us as a company in future.
I cannot wait to see what is in store for Sherbet Lemon Theatre next!