Lucy’s Bedtime Routine

I begin my bedtime routine by taking a nice warm shower. Once showered I dry and then moisture my face, chest, stomach and arms as my skin is very sensitive and I have very dry skin, so I always use E45. Once I have done that, I will put on my pyjamas and then brush and dry my hair because if I don’t it ends up a mess and horrible to sort out in the morning! I will then brush my teeth and grab a bottle of water. Once I’m ready I climb into bed and depending on how I feel I’ll either watch Netflix (usually friends) or put my earphones in, listen to music, and scroll through social media. if I find I’m not actually tired I will read from my kindle to try and relax my mind. I find no matter what time I get to sleep I always struggle to wake up early on a morning therefore I always make sure I have at least three different alarms set before finally falling asleep.



Chloe Denby’s bedtime routine

So I start my sleep routine by watching the television downstairs until I can feel myself getting tired. I then proceed to go upstairs to brush my teeth, after I have done this I wash my face and then go into my bedroom to get into bed. While in my bed I go on my phone and go onto the internet, I do this for a few hours normally. I also get on with reading/ working on essays if I have to do this for uni. I do this until I can feel my eyes getting heavy, so then I make sure I have an alarm set on my phone for the next day and then turn off my light to try and get some sleep. However, it normally takes me about an hour to get to sleep, but when I have gotten to sleep I normally sleep throughout the night without being woken up.


Thank you,



Emma’s Bedtime Rountine

So sleep is something I’ve had a love hate relationship throughout my life. As a child I despised it, I would scream and shout when put to bed and would refuse to go unless someone stayed with me and read to me until I fell asleep. As I’ve grown older, however, probably starting somewhere around my teenage years, my bed has become my favourite place and sleep my best friend. Though I sometimes still struggle to fall asleep I’m a heavy sleeper so once I’m out, I’m out and not much will wake me. In terms of my bedtime routine when I’m at university I don’t really have one. My schedule is varied throughout the week meaning I go to bed at different times every day with varying amounts of time to get ready for sleep. So, I’m going to tell you about my bedtime routine when, on the rare occasion these days, I go home.

My family will typically end the night sat around watching the television, usually whatever programme is on BBC One, and when the ten o’clock news starts we gradually migrate upstairs. I walk into my room, turn on my main light, draw my curtains and turn on my bedside lamp. From here I’ll put my phone next to my bed and change into my pyjamas, putting my dirty clothes in my wash basket and the clean ones on my ‘everything goes here’ chair. I then take off my jewellery, starting with my rings, then watch, necklace and earrings, followed by removing my make-up. Next I venture to my bathroom, picking up my tooth brush on the way as it’s more than likely on charge.  Here I wee, brush my teeth and fill up my water bottle (in that order), after which I go back to bedroom. I turn of the main light, remove all the cushions and blankets from by bed and place my glasses next to my jewellery. I now get into bed and pick up my phone to watch pointless YouTube videos and scroll through social media until my eyes can’t stay open anymore. At this point I’ll put my phone on charge, turn off my lamp and toss and turn until I eventually fall asleep.


Emilys Bedtime Routine


I have two separate bedtime routines. One for when I’m with Jake and for when I’m without. Because I struggle to sleep without Jake I tend to start my routine earlier, normally with a ‘sit down’ shower. I like to sit in the shower and use lavender baby shampoo because 1) I have sensitive skin and 2) The scent helps me relax. I then head upstairs with a hot chocolate (made in my favourite Tinkerbell Mug) and find a film to watch. I usually end up watching Shrek, not particularly sure why. I then do my bedtime skin care routine. Cleanse, Tone, Serum, Moisturise. If it’s a particularly chilly night I take Mitchel, who’s my microwavable Unicorn, and warm him up to snuggle. I then get cosy in my duvet and try to get some sleep.

With Jake, we tend to watch Netflix for a while then head down stairs to brush our teeth. I make us some squash and wash my face with my night cleanser. We head back upstairs and catch up on our day before deciding the latest time we can set our alarm in the morning. I turn off the lamp and we say… goodnight.


Ellies Bedtime Routine

Let me start this off by saying I love sleep. I absolutely adore it. If I could sleep for 10 hours a day I would. Unfortunately, sleep does not love me. I’ve struggled with my sleep for several years, been diagnosed with insomnia and been through my fair share of sleep medication. Though my sleep is much improved I still have bouts of insomnia and I’m a very fussy sleeper.

I always try to stop doing work around 6 or 7pm, taking the evenings off in the hope that I can unwind and therefore fall asleep more quickly. Generally, I will have a shower in the evening, the hot water relaxes me and helps me to wash off the stress of the day. Around 10pm I will begin the bedtime routine. Firstly, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I pass through the kitchen on the way back to my bedroom, so here I will make a stop to fill up my water bottle for the night. When I return to my bedroom I shut my door and turn on my bedside lamp on to the brightest of its 3 settings; I have one of those touch lamps with 3 settings, I don’t know what I’d do without it as dimming my room really helps to relax me and put me in the frame of mind for sleep, I warned you, I’m a fussy sleeper.

Next, I get changed into a comfy pair of pyjamas, brush my hair into a pony tail, put my large pillow on my bed and sit, with the duvet over my legs, in my bed. I then dim my bedside lamp to the middle setting. Here I take my contact lenses out and put my glasses on (always the best part of the day) and start my skincare routine. Firstly, I remove my makeup and cleanse my face (also a wonderful moment in my day) then use eye cream and moisturiser. At this point I dim my light to its lowest setting, so that the majority of my room is relatively dark and lie down with my big pillow still propped underneath me. I will normally watch a bit of Netflix after this, probably something mindless (but wonderful) such as Gossip Girl or Friends. Now, I used to always have to read before I went to bed, firstly because I enjoyed it and secondly as it was the only way I could sleep but I seem to be skipping this stage of the night-time routine at the moment as I’m so tired. However, sleep and I are once again not friends so maybe I need to get reading again!

After watching Netflix or reading, whichever comes last, I take my glasses off, put my phone on charge and lie it face down on the bed next to me (so that the brightness doesn’t wake me up in the night), throw my big pillow on the floor and and turn off my lamp. I end the evening by rolling onto my right side, tucking my arm underneath my head and most likely stressing about the amount I need to get done the following day.

So there we have it! That was my very high-maintenance bedtime routine.

Goodnight! E.W.