“The Duke”

Hello again,

On 9th February, a few of our company members went to see The Duke (2017) produced by HoiPolloi, PBJ Management and Theatre Royal Plymouth. The Duke is a solo show, which is very different to our production with 8 actors. However, we did take a lot of inspiration from the show. There are two main influences we took from the show which was the essence of the stage manager in performance and the simplicity of storytelling.

Shôn Dale-Jones, the only actor, greets every audience member as they enter the theatre, shaking their hand and asking how they are. This instantly allowed me, as an audience member, to feel very involved within the performance and the experience as a whole. This was something that, as a company, we discussed the impact of and how this could be incorporated within our piece as we are aiming to creating an inclusive and immersive experience for our audience. We then explored the idea of offering each audience member a hot chocolate as they enter the theatre as hot chocolate is often associated with helping people fall asleep.

‘The Duke’ (2017)

Dale-Jones, for the entirety of the performance, is sat behind a desk with a laptop, to control the tech, and a microphone. The essence of the stage manager incorporated into performance was very interesting to me. I think that with the space we are trying to create, an immersive sleepover experience, having a desk on stage with laptops to control the tech will clash with the aesthetic. However, the involvement of the stage manager was definitely something we wanted to consider in our production. We have discussed potentially making reference to the stage manager’s presence, acknowledging that perhaps the sound is too loud or asking for a certain lighting cue. I think this is a nice idea to explore as it rips apart the conventional theatre experience, allowing the audience to forget they are watching a piece of theatre and fully emerge themselves in the art surrounding them.

The Duke was a fully emerging piece of theatre through the simple art of storytelling. The show did not need a lot of things happening on the stage to portray the story and this was something I found fascinating and interesting. This has taken an inspiration in the rehearsal room, allowing us to focus on things in a more sophisticated and simple manner as opposed to trying to imitate sleep disorders in a perhaps, gimmicky and immature fashion.


Works Cited:

Dale-Jones, S. (2017) The Duke [live performance]. Performed by Shôn Dale-Jones. Lincoln: Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 9 February.

Dale-Jones, S. (2017) The Duke. Cambridge, HoiPolloi.

Settling In

Hey everyone!

I like to think I’m settling into the role of Stage Manager quite nicely. Having experience with the role in Shakespeare, one thing I was particular in requesting was weekly production meetings. I think this is an efficient way of ensuring that everyone in the company is aware of what they need to do and when. I also think it is extremely important for all company members to be aware of what is going on within the company, even if they do not have a production role e.g. director, dramaturg, choreographer. This is a beneficial way of guaranteeing that everyone is on the same page. I have been inspired by the Lincoln Drill Hall for this concept, they are a local theatre venue who ensure that all members of the venue are aware of everything at the Drill Hall. This is so that if any customer comes in and is curious about something any one of the staff will be able to give an answer! Although, this reasoning doesn’t directly link to why I would like to enforce this method, Larry Fazio states that “it is important and beneficial that all technical and artistic departments come together organising and getting everyone working in the same direction and time frame”. (Fazio, 2017, 143). This has been the basis for my reasoning of having all company members at weekly production meetings.

Sherbet Lemon Theatre's first production meeting... we're very excited by our sherbet lemons!
Sherbet Lemon Theatre’s first production meeting… we’re very excited by our sherbet lemons!

Hayley, our producer, and I have agreed that during our weekly production meetings we will split the responsibility. I am “in charge” of the tech side of the production meetings such as lighting, sound, set and costume & props whereas Hayley is “in charge” of the admin side of the company such marketing, fundraising etc. The reason I use quotation marks for “in charge” is because I don’t think that Hayley or myself dictate how everyone fulfils their role. I think we are sort of in a leadership position, we are the people that the company comes to when they have questions about their role if they are unsure, we are the people who ensure everyone’s voice gets heard, we are the people who set weekly targets for individual company members to meet in order to ensure both the company and the show develops at the speed we need it to.

I am extremely excited to be working on this project with Sherbet Lemon Theatre and look forward to creating something sweet and a little sour.


Fazio, L. (2017) Stage Manager: The Professional Experience – refreshed. Oxford: Taylor and Francis.

Sherbet Lemon Theatre (2018) Sherbet Lemon Theatre’s first production meeting [image]. Available from:  https://www.instagram.com/p/Be8eKYCgsfJ/?taken-by=sherbetlemontheatre [accessed 10 February 2018].

Stage Manager


I am Chloe McKay and I have the absolute pleasure of taking on the role of Stage Manager for Sherbet Lemon Theatre! I have been itching to get back into the role of Stage Manager for a little over a year now and I cannot wait to get my teeth stuck into all things technical. My organisation, team playing and leadership skills will, I hope, enable me to fulfil my role as Stage Manager successfully. Although I may have to brush up on my programming skills, it has been a while!

Discussioning and researching about sleep!
Discussing and researching sleep!

The exploration of sleep and dream theory in meetings and rehearsals thus far leaves me excited for the potential of Sherbet Lemon Theatre’s first show. Although my sleeping pattern tends to be what is considered as normal, listening to other company members’ experience with a variety of abnormal sleeping patterns fascinates me. I cannot wait to delve deeper into the exploration of sleep and why it is so fundamental that we as humans need sleep to function. I hope our audience enjoys exploring along with us in the final product. I have a good feeling about Sherbet Lemon Theatre, and I look forward to keeping you up to date with both the technical and artistic side of creating Sherbet Lemon Theatre’s debut show.


Denby, C. (2018) Discussing and researching sleep and dreams. [image]