I’ve mention costume in my last few posts, but my role also includes sourcing all props used throughout our productions. Within theatre this role is usually known as ‘Property Mistress/Master’. It is suggested that in theatre “we often underappreciate stage props and prop design” (Todd, 2012).
I recently watched a production called, ‘Education Education Education’ at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre. I was inspired by how much the production relied on props to convey the narrative and personality of each character. There was a scene where the actors were playing teachers in a staff room and each character held a prop, such as a newspaper, clipboard and a tea mug. Each prop was used subtly, not to distract the audience or steal the attention, but help the audience understand the group dynamic. The clipboard helped to convey, that the character, had a more authoritative role.
In our upcoming production ‘The Truth About Bedtime’ we rely heavily on props because “props assist imagination and play” (Todd, 2012). Throughout our production props help enhance the energy and fun throughout the scenes. As Sherbet Lemon Theatre, we like to offer a little bit of sweet and sour. Props really support us in delivering that sweetness and laughter that we hope to provide our audience.
This photo is from our exercise scene, in which I sourced neon sweatbands for, they help to reinforce the fun and energy we hope this scene provides.
The role also involves clear communication with our Stage Manager, Director, Set Designer and Producer. Developing good working relationships will maintain continuity throughout our devising process.
As we have a lot of props it is vital that they fit in with our set. This is to ensure the performance area does not look messy when the audience are entering, and also to ensure the safety of performers and audience, so that they do not trip over anything. Therefore, all our props will either be on the performer themselves or in a laundry basket, that fits into our set, ready for the performer to collect when needed.
Works Cited
The Wardrobe Ensemble. (2018) Education Education Education [live performance]. Performed by The Wardrobe Ensemble. Lincoln: Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, 16 March.
Todd, B. (2012) Time to give props to theatre props. The Guardian, 15 May. Available from https://www.theguardian.com/stage/theatreblog/2012/may/15/theatre-props-stage [accessed on 18 April 2018].
Exercise Scene Rehearsal : Sherbet Lemon Theatre (2018) Exercise Scene [image]. Available from https://www.instagram.com/p/BgMpY8FhQ53/?taken-by=sherbetlemontheatre [accessed 18 April 2018].
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