Editing Verbatim Theatre

Hello everyone! Today’s blog post is going to be all about verbatim theatre.

Verbatim theatre, or word for word theatre is “a form of theatre firmly predicated upon the taping and subsequent transcription of interviews with ‘‘ordinary’’ people” (Paget, 1987, 317). This is what The Truth About Bedtime… is grounded in, the real words gathered in interviews about individual experiences of sleep. And they vary from night terrors to sex dreams. Our performance includes four scenes about sleep disorders: insomnia, night terrors, lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis, and these scenes all feature a combination of physical theatre and verbatim. In using the words of real people, for these sections in particular, we aimed to provide our audience with a range of experiences, allowing them to sympathise and empathise with people who they do not know, but whose stories are manifested on stage.

Before editing the verbatim sections of the piece, we first had to transcribe the interviews that we had conducted. Typing up these interviews was more difficult that it at first seemed, as I had to devise a key so that the actors were able to recognise changes in the interviewee’s voice whilst reading the text. The basic key is as follows: italics for speeding up, bold and capitalisation for emphasis, underlining for inflection. The interviews also had to be typed exactly in the way which they were said, so that accent as the elongation of words could be distinguished.

For example, the following audio is an extract from one of the interviews I conducted.

And this snippet was transcribed as: “you know if I, if I am suffering from, um insomnia it’s not usually that I can’t get to sleep it’s that I wake up, in the night, and then can’t get back to sleep. Or I wake up very early (low) and can’t get back to sleep. Umm… and, my mind is just racing with RIDiculous things, so it could be as ridiculous asssss, did I buy butter? Or, yu know, jus really really ridiculous things, that, actually, don’t matter at all? But in the middle of the night my mind is just wEYEired, an it’s just du du du du du du du du du du du du du ad it’s just all these random thoughts all over the place and I just can’t shut them up.”

In the process of creating verbatim theatre, “the words of real people are recorded or transcribed by a dramatist during an interview or research process… and then edited, arranged or recontextualised to form a dramatic presentation” (2008, Hammond and Steward, 9). We aimed to conduct all of our interviews in a comfortable and safe environment where our participants would feel at ease; mostly they were done in cafes. Our interviewees were asked to fill out one of our consent forms, to ensure that they knew how their words would be used and that they had to right to withdraw what they said in their interviews. Alongside this, all of our interviewees were invited to attend a work-in-progress show at the beginning of May so that that could see how we had used their words and thank them for their contributions.

An issue that I have faced when editing these interviews into concise sections within our piece is where to stop and draw the editing line, if you will. As with all verbatim theatre, I have sometimes had to “change the sequence of elements in a person’s testimony, remove contextual information, and create connections which did not exist in the interviews themselves” (Young, 2017, 29-30) in order to create a dramatic narrative. However, when doing this I have also been conscious of the people who have trusted us with their words and the context in which they were said. I wanted to remain as true as possible as I could to the original interviews to ensure that nothing was misconstrued. Alecky Blythe, a particularly famous verbatim playwright, claims to be “faced with the same struggle between remaining faithful to the interview and creating a dramatic narrative” (Blythe, 2008, 94). Though our participants were made aware in their consent forms that their words “might be used in full, in part, or not at all, and… might be merged with the words of other participants, and they may also be included in passages that are completely fictional” this struggle about being faithful towards the interview still applied. In my editing, though I have moved words around and merged them with the words of other participants, I have avoided writing fictional passages. I believe that when we have had so many people willing to participate, it would be a shame to write our own words just  for ease. Therefore, in writing sections such as insomnia, where passages from interviews are connected by a like word, I have ensured that these connections are found organically where possible.

Though I cannot say these interviews are unedited, with contexts removed and meanings slightly altered, I have attempted to ensure that the essence of each interviewee’s words is not tampered with. I hope that this will come across in the final performance.

Works Cited:

Blythe, A. (2008) Alecky Blythe. In: Hammond, W and Steward, D (eds.) Verbatim verbatim: contemporary documentary theatre. London: Oberon Books, 77-103.

Hammond, W and Steward, D. (2008) Introduction. In: Hammond, W and Steward, D (eds.) Verbatim verbatim: contemporary documentary theatre. London: Oberon Books.

Paget, D. (1987) ‘Verbatim Theatre’: Oral History and Documentary Techniques. New Theatre Quarterly, 3(12) 317-336.

Stuart, Y. (2017) The Ethics of the Representation of the Real People and Their Stories in Verbatim. Themes in Theatre — Collective Approaches to Theatre & Performance, 9, 21-43.

White, M. (2018) Menopausal Insomnia. Interviewed by E. White, 2 April.

Show Marketing Materials


As our show has developed I have started to draft and design our flyers and posters. My original drafts were paintings designed by Amanda that depicted starry night skies and shadows with text overlaid across the image. After further discussions with the group and an insight from Julie Ellerby (Marketing Manager at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre) it was decided that these images portrayed a show more suited to children than adults. We compared flyers we had seen and found to determine what we could do to capture the aesthetic of our performance. To combat this we contacted a local photographer, Toria Maxwell,  and commissioned her to take a variety of images that I used across our marketing materials. This allowed me to use the drawings to break up the empty space on the poster rather than them being the entirety of the poster itself. The bright and neon colours in the drawings foreshadow the neon drawing we use within the performance and tie the two together nicely. In order to appeal to the largest audience demographic possible for our production, I have utilised my understanding the Audience Finder tool (used by Arts Council England) to tailor our approach to specific audiences. This has allowed us to maximise our potential outreach and develop a better understanding of our target audience. This has been helpful ultimately across all areas as we can cater to all demographics by understanding their wants and requirements. When writing the copy for The Truth About Bedtime… I collaborated with our Director, Emelia, to get a better overall impression of her ideas for the show. This helped me write an unbiased copy that summarises the intentions and highlights of our show fairly. Below are our final show flyers, including the reverse side with copy.


Flyer Portrait Design FINAL
Flyer Design (Sherbet Lemon Theatre, 2018)
Flyer Portrait Reverse Design FINAL
Flyer Design Reverse (Sherbet Lemon Theatre, 2018)






Sherbet Lemon Theatre (2018) Flyer Design.

Sherbet Lemon Theatre (2018) Flyer Design Reverse.

Fundraising as Marketing our Brand

When working on fundraising ideas it felt important to me that our events not only raised us money but promoted both our show and Sherbet Lemon Theatre as a brand. As a new and emerging theatre company we were faced with the task of promoting our brand before we had a product to give us a name, therefore, needing establish our company ethos through our marketing. Working with our Lead Marketer (Emily Liddle), we quickly established that fundraising would be an ideal outlet in which to promote our company brand in person and to a wider audience. In today’s environment it is “increasingly difficult and uncertain” that a company’s “success [can be] based only on product quality” (Todor, 2014, 59). Therefore, by using our fundraising events to promote the Sherbet Lemon Theatre brand, we were able to establish ourselves with the university community and create a lasting impression on those we encountered.

In relation to marketing, we also tailored our fundraising events to relate to our brand and our debut show. Our first event was ‘Guess the amount of Sherbet Lemons in the Jar’, which immediately linked to our company as we were using the sweets from which we obtained our company name. We then proceeded to run a ‘Guess the name of the Bear’ competition which again linked to our company brand as we placed the bear in a company t-shirt, but also linked to The Truth About Bedtime… as many people can relate a teddy bear to sleep. When running these competitions we also thought carefully about how the location of our events would promote our brand most successfully. We learned that “a brand can not function without a strategy” (Todor, 2014, 59), therefore, running our competitions in the locations that would strategically allow us to raise the most money and promote our brand to the widest audience. We placed our competitions in three main locations: Zing café in the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, Ground floor of the University Library and the Students Union Reception, as we felt these locations provided optimum opportunities for reaching the widest audience. Each member of our company took part in our fundraising events prompting our ethos of a close working ensemble, all wearing either our company t-shirts or the colour yellow in order to make us recognisable. The tables on which we placed the jar and bear were decorated with sherbet lemon sweets, our business cards and yellow ribbon in order make us stand out in each location and all the event promotional posters housed our logo to keep everything brand related. Through this we were able to market Sherbet Lemon Theatre as a fun and approachable company, enticing the public and consequently making them more likely to donate to our cause.

lem jar bear su


(Round, 2018)                            (Round, 2018)                             (Round, 2018)

Alongside both of these competitions we also ran a Go Fund Me campaign, that allowed anyone outside of personal reach to our company the ability to donate if they wished too. This, therefore, allowed our company brand to be reached by a wider audience outside of our local market.


(If you wish to gain more information on our fundraising events, please see the posts entitled Competition time!, Competition time! part 2 and reaching a wider audience, under the ‘Fundraiser’ tab. Also If you would like to examine the success of our competition locations please see the post entitled Analysing our fundraising campaign, under the ‘Technical Documents’ tab.)


Round, E. (2018) Guess the Name of the Bear [image].

Round, E. (2018) Sherbet Lemons on Display [image].

Round, E. (2018) Student Union Reception [image].

Todor, R.D. (2014) The importance of branding and rebranding for strategic marketing. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, 7(2) 59-64. Available from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.lincoln.ac.uk/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=2&sid=f0b26e6b-d5cf-484e-8788-c89d603be781%40sessionmgr4009 [accessed 12 April 2018].

Creating Relationships

Hello Everyone! The Sherby Lems have been busy networking and getting our name heard.

On international women’s day, 8/10 members of Sherbet Lemon Theatre attended women in the arts [WITA] in Lincoln. It was an event dedicated to show casing creative women and their talents, as well as allowing the chance for women to network and talk about their work. Which was a great opportunity to experience more arts as “arts and culture enrich our lives. They fire our imaginations, challenge, inspire, educate and entertain us” (Arts Council England, 2018). It also gave us the opportunity to advertise our own show and company to a wider audience and gain support from other women working in the industry.

We built a relationship with the women who run and work at WITA, and they opnely share our rehearsal photos on their social media, or our call outs and are even willing to take part in our verbatim research themselves.

The ladies at WITA have definitly provided us with more confidence about being open and not holding back which will contribute to the overall success of our show.




Works Cited

Arts Council England (2018) Great Art and Culture for Everyone. Arts Council England. Available from https://issuu.com/artscouncilengland/docs/ac_10year_strategy_text_aw_for__pdf/1?ff=true&e=9197550/32114813 [accessed on 9 April 2018].


WITA:  Sherbet Lemon Theatre (2018) Exercise Scene [image]. Available from https://www.instagram.com/p/BgEsgr0h2tp/?taken-by=sherbetlemontheatre [accessed 9 April 2018].

Count the sheep: The Dreamcatchers

After deciding on an overall theme of the set as a den in a bedroom, I am looking into objects that are usually found in bedrooms to see if I can create some unique elements to the set to make the sheet and poles seem homelier. At this point I wanted to experiment with the concept of the dream catcher. When researching the history of dream catchers, I found that they originate from The Ojibwa. They would hang the decorations above the place they would sleep, to catch dreams. ‘The good dreams, knowing their way, pass through the opening in the center of the webbing while the bad dreams, not knowing the way, are caught in the webbing and destroyed at the first light of the morning sun.’ (DreamCatcher.com, undated). Other legends say that the feathers connected to the bottom of the dream catcher directed the good dreams down to the individual who sleeps below it. I wanted to stay true to the original designs and history of the dream catcher while also doing a unique twist to entertain the audience when they notice them among the set. I want to incorporate a “cheeky” reference to the myth of “counting sheep to help you get to sleep”. Instead of the web design in the centre, I am going to put a geometric simple design of a sheep, allowing a gap in the centre to allow the good dreams through to follow the tradition. The design of the sheep will not be a distraction from the performers during the show, but something for the audience to view, think about, and “count” while being in the space. The idea is for the dream catchers to be hung around the space with feathers pointing downwards towards the performance area, to allow the good dreams to be channelled to the audience and performers.

Dreamcatcher designs
(Mason, 2018)

I decided on the use of dark blue wool to decorate the outer ring and create the central design with light blue wool, in keeping with the colour scheme of the show. When in discussions with Lucy (creative designer), she planned for the pyjamas to follow a blue theme due to research revealing that ‘people whose rooms are painted blue tend to sleep longer than those who get their shuteye in rooms with different colors.’ (National Sleep Foundation, undated). I do not want the set and costumes to clash, so to eliminate this risk I will follow the same colour scheme as the pyjamas. The dreamcatchers, therefore, will be blue with white feathers to fit in with the aesthetic of the show.



Works Cited:

DreamCatcher.com (undated) The Legend Of the Dream Catcher. USA: DreamCatcher.com. Available from https://dreamcatcher.com/Dream-Catcher-Legend.php [accessed 4 April 2018].

Mason, A. (2018) Dreamcatcher design [image].

National Sleep Foundation (undated) What your bedroom paint colors have to do with sleep quality. USA: National Sleep Foundation. Available from https://sleep.org/articles/best-colors-for-sleep/ [accessed 4 April 2018].