Creating Relationships

Hello Everyone! The Sherby Lems have been busy networking and getting our name heard.

On international women’s day, 8/10 members of Sherbet Lemon Theatre attended women in the arts [WITA] in Lincoln. It was an event dedicated to show casing creative women and their talents, as well as allowing the chance for women to network and talk about their work. Which was a great opportunity to experience more arts as “arts and culture enrich our lives. They fire our imaginations, challenge, inspire, educate and entertain us” (Arts Council England, 2018). It also gave us the opportunity to advertise our own show and company to a wider audience and gain support from other women working in the industry.

We built a relationship with the women who run and work at WITA, and they opnely share our rehearsal photos on their social media, or our call outs and are even willing to take part in our verbatim research themselves.

The ladies at WITA have definitly provided us with more confidence about being open and not holding back which will contribute to the overall success of our show.




Works Cited

Arts Council England (2018) Great Art and Culture for Everyone. Arts Council England. Available from [accessed on 9 April 2018].


WITA:  Sherbet Lemon Theatre (2018) Exercise Scene [image]. Available from [accessed 9 April 2018].