My name is Hayley and I am the producer for Sherbet Lemon Theatre. I have never had the pleasure of working as a producer before so this is a very exciting opportunity for me to see theatre from a new perspective. I love working with people to organise new and exciting opportunities, so I hope I will be able to make this happen for Sherbet Lemon Theatre. As well as this I will be keeping a close eye on our budget as nothing happens without money, (I may need to revisit some maths skills for this).
I am overjoyed to be working with the rest of this wonderful ensemble; it is a pleasure to be working with such creative, hard working, talented people! Also, our topic of sleep is one very close to home as I have suffered with night terrors throughout my life, so it is very important to me that we educate people on what they are and how they affect people. I know that our use of verbatim will be very useful for this.
I hope to see you all in May for the show! Cheerio for now.
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